Funky Chicken
To become a better version of myself, I'm trying to develop healthy habits like exersising and eating healthy.
I try to work out every morning (not weekends yet, but I'm getting there) before work, and it has
really changed my life. I have more energy, I'm happier because I look better, I feel better generally and I'm stronger and have more endurance than ever.
I also try to eat a loot of fruit and vegetables, and healthy food in general.
Last week I bought a Wilfa blender, so now I'm drinking smoothies as a snack. It tastes really good, and it sure is good for you as well.
I have also gotten myself a clay pot (?) for slow cooking, and I've allready used it three or four times to make some delicious meals.
Here's a recipe I've tried a couple of times now, which really tastes good.
You need a chicken, a garlic, a pot of basil, a lemon, an orange, your favorite chilisauce, salt&peper, and whatever veggies you want on the side (I prefer paprika and onions). Also, couscous or something to go with it.
First I crush basil and garlic in my morter. I also blend in some lemon peel, and then I stuff the chicken with the mixture, as well as with slices of orange and lemon.
Next I make holes in the chicken skin and stuff it with cloves of garlic.
Then I put the chicken in the pot, and spread the skin with salt/pepper and the chilisauce.
Finally I pour just a little wine, water and oliveoil on it to get some moisture, before I put the lid on and put it in the oven.
Cook at low temperature for a couple of hours, then take the lid of and turn the grill on to get that crispy chicken skin.
Cooking in a clay pot like this leaves a lot of juices, which makes excellent sauce.
Mix it with some more spices of your choice, some water and perhaps some red wine, and then cook it till it's reduced to about a third.
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