Friday, February 2, 2007

How Do You Want To Feel Today?

A sensation of emptiness gently fills my body and mind.

It’s like that feeling when your missing someone, except I don’t miss anyone now.
At least, not anyone I am consciously aware of.

The feeling grows, spreads from my stomach to the back of my eyes. Not tears, just a gentle pressure which lets me know that there’s something wrong.

I want to explore this feeling, try to grasp what my sensations are telling me. But am I prepared to face the sorrow which I feel will reveal itself if I enter this vast void inside myself?

Perhaps it has allways been there.
Perhaps have I just connected to something inside of me which I have blocked out for years.
Perhaps it has just recently been created, but why I don’t know.

What is sorrow?
What is emptiness? 

1 comment:

Lars Hjørnevik said...

To google your own topic or keywords can reveal some interesting stuff.
I tried "love sorrow vast sensation", and discovered this:
"There are places within us which are so vast, so empty of human
companionship, that to enter them is to risk losing our understanding of
who we are. But these places as well are part of an even richer and more
wonderful world--they are a part of the Soul of the Earth."